Atelier Tonni arbejder udelukkende med plastaffald, der er blevet kasseret i Danmark.
Værk: Milk Jug af Atelier Tonni 2023. Genbrugsplast. Foto: Atelier Tonni
Work: Milk Jug by Atelier Tonni 2023, recycled plastic. Photo: Atelier Tonni

Too Good to Throw: Better consumption with crafts and design

Planet Earth is overflowing with products. But how do we change behaviour? And when is something too good to throw away? Crafts and design have the potential to show new ways and qualify the conversation about a more sustainable and circular consumption culture – and thus a more environmentally conscious society.

Take a look into the future when the Danish Arts & Crafts Association, Kulturens Analyseinstitut and DDC – Danish Design Centre open the debate. Here you can hear about the upcoming Green Craft & Design Guide to help consumers and practitioners in the green transition. Join the expert panel and contribute to the debate on the future of consumption and design.

(The debate is in Danish)


Lars Bertolt Winther, Head of Tourism, Culture & Experiences, Confederation of Danish Industry

Nina Husted Erichsen, Programme Manager, The Royal Academy: Crafts Programme, Bornholm

Christina Schou Christensen, ceramicist

Anders V. Munch, Professor, Design Culture Studies, SDU Kolding and
representative in the Danish Arts Foundation’s Project Support Committee for Crafts and Design

Morten Riis, Deputy Mayor of Bornholm and chairperson for Makers Island Bornholm