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2011 Nr. #
Or should we allow the possibility that the And thus, the Biennale for Crafts and Design is a mirror revolting lump represents Julie Bartholdy's critique of the image of the world: diverse, dynamic and amazing.
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer


2002 Nr. #
of Danish craft artists and designers. The three bienni- dansk kunsthåndværk og design. Furniture Design in 1999. What is art, design? Designers and applied v * & …mest omfattende kritik af I'art pour l'art-begrebet The most comprehensive critique of the art-for-art's- kom imidlertid fra billedkunsten selv, fra den såkaldte…
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer
He began studying garment design and graduated from the prestigious London school Central St. Martin's College of Art and Design in 1993. in the earliest critique of industrial production – the first ninety years of the old century. And the always inherent critique of existing social and to appear.
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer