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2007 Nr. #
Offentligt design – offentligt rum Mette Strømgaard Dalby 63 Fra skraldespand til city-branding 02. Som det også ding af Danmark som 'designnation'. Added to feeder of one-piece plastic with a Holistic thinking – out of the Box which, there are environmental new, improved dispensing system.
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…were signs of innova- tive thinking about everything Et trådløst headset til kommunika- between heaven and earth, quite tion mellem digitale apparater literally, at the graduate-project Dorthe Søndergaard: "Earbug." exhibitions held by Danmarks A wireless headset for communi- Designskole and the Design School in Kolding…
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Kunstuff_2005_07_comp k KUNSTUFF DANSK KUNSTHÅNDVÆRK OG DESIGN No. Fremtiden ikke højeste grad er fokuseret på design som og design. …craft art has a huge a symbol: it reflects who you are or reminds precondition for thinking creatively and potential and a justification in every way you of something… arkitekt og designer.
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2011 Nr. #
2011_Biennale_comp biennalen for Kunsthåndværk og Design 2011 F* 7 maj-30. holdt Biennalen for Kunsthåndværk og Design. og Designskolen Kolding. This discovery had me thinking about how I might hvordan jeg kunne skabe en ny visuel og rumlig oplevelse create…
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TEMA: BRANDING "Danish Design" as a brand Young Danish furniture design m Is there life after Jacobsen and Co.? Her er grafisk design vigtigt. In the adjudication the jury attached great importance to the overall thinking in the pro- posals and to the human and artistic qualities as well as the potential…
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In the editorial offices proud – and we trust it will strengthen for dansk kunsthåndværk og design. 039;I Let time influence my design. 'I'm a designer. Jensen has created an alternative to the skabt et alternativ til modeverdenens tradi- PRICE DKR 269 traditional collection-oriented thinking of the fashion world.
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