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With this jewel Katrine Borup wanted to retell the history of the medallion. The starting-point is buzzwords, signs of the times: "organic, history, naivism, droll, playful, personality, sensuality and joie de vivre" – With this jewel Katrine Borup wanted to retell the history of the medallion.
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Äsa Brandt, Objekt (fisk), eget værksted i Torshälla 1969 og erhvervet af Kunstindustrimuseet på Åsa Brandts udstilling Galleri GI.Strand i efteråret 1969 17 THE EARLY HISTORY AND IMPORTANCE OF STUDIO GLASS By Jørgen Schou-Christensen Here it goes again – the discussion about the relationship between craft and visual arts.
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Dansk Kunsthaandværk

1952 Nr. #7
At home in the factories of Copenhagen flowing glazes, like crystalline lucky strokes so frequent in the history of the factory, and snake-skin glaze, were being tentatively applied to and it resulted in a small but select production. Danish art ware has had a different history.
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Dansk Kunsthaandværk

1960 Nr. #5
Den er skrevet af Peter Pollack, har titlen »The Picture History of Photography«, er udgivet af over hundrede år siden har været kunstnere, der forstod Harry N. Den, der vil søge oplysninger om denne periode, må snarere læse Helmut Gernsheim's »The History ofPhotography« (Ox- ford University Press, 1955).
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Blomster- kunstneren, scenografen, DESIGN HISTORY interiørkunstneren og designeren Tage Andersen findes ikke magen 18 til i verden. Som 20 et nyt fagtidsskrift: Scandinavian årig åbnede han sin første butik Journal of Design History. den indledende tekst af Aase Holm Scandinavian Journal of Design History vol.
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