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1995 Nr. #

[…] weake- ned, -ultimately severing completely. There is talk of “black box”- design: the interior can take on any exterior. There is no longer any reason why a digital clock has to be inserted in around form: why not just as well in an oblong shape, e.g. a ball point pen? The designer is entirely […]

Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer


2002 Nr. #

[…] derfor er designerens eventuelle personlige æstetiske præferencer ikke ønskelige. avenues for anyone who might call themselves craft artists with new possibilities inthe form ofthings like CAD/CAM and digital printing; possibilities that mean that the antithesis between con- cepts like unique and serial may no longer be meaningful. The model isvirtual and can constantly be […]

Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer

[…] serigrafitryk på bomuld. 90 x100 cm “Compositions” 2001. Unique serigraphic prints on cotton. 90 x100 cm FLICKERING IMAGES The textile printer Louise Sass combines classic print with digital inspiration in amodern decorative idiom /Portrait: By Bjarne Kildegaard /”Some have said itlooks like keyboards”, says the textile printer Louise Sass. as she shows aprofusion ofserigraphic […]

Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer

[…] iTilburg iHolland og Textil Museum iSt. Gallen i Schweiz. Teknologiske Tekstiler Lise Frølund, tekstilkunstner fra Kolding, viser på en udstilling i Stensalen 10. maj -io. juni, at digitaliseringen har nået hånd- væven og muliggjort undersøgel- ser og eksperimenter, som var utænkelige for bare fem år siden. Fiberindustrien har sat alle sejl til og udviklet […]

Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer

[…] areturn toclassic pattern forms -often inthe form ofaradical wrestling with ornamentation, deconstruction ormixed forms. Since both Goldin and Gombrich wrote, we can add the great boom inthe digital potential ofthe computer with its almost disturbing ability to produce unheard-of quantities ofpatterns inan inconceivably mini- mal time. Then inthe 1990s, ofcourse, there came the necessary […]

Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer

[…] tothe size ofthe pattern repeat. Infact the pattern can be endless and thus never repeat itself on the surface. The ease with which one can use the digital media today to change direction quickly inone’s work has taken the creative process itself right tothe forefront. 15. “Jeg kan ikke lave det jeg her gør. […]

Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer


2013 Nr. #

[…] their confidence in the association (see page 108], We are deeply grateful for this support! -Contemporary craft challenges the concept of time in adialogue between analogue and digital processes. For example, when technical inquiries involve drafts devel- oped on alathe or a3D printer, that constitutes not only a meeting of techniques but also, and […]

Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer

[…] og fysisk resultat bliver ikke overflødigt, men vil påvirkes afde nye digitale muligheder og de kommende generationers fortrolige og uanstrengte brug afden nye teknologi. Hverdagen er blevet digital -og udfordringen bliver atbruge de nye muligheder ien samklang med vores områdes vægtige forud- sætninger og traditioner. Fremtiden er her allerede -og den bliver bestemt spændende. […]

Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer

[…] on form Mia Dela Jensen. / Annette Fuglsang. Dekorative byg- ningsmoduler /Decorative buil- ding modules. Ane Møller Davidsen. Kl. 19,00 -? /From 7o’clock onward … Anders Korsbæk. Digital Inspirati- on. En interaktiv butiksinstallation /Digital Inspiration. An inter- active shop installation. The Kolding School ofDesign isagain back atKoldinghus Castle ina smoothly-functioning dialogue with the surrounding […]

Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer


2017 Nr. #

[…] differences inbackground, culture and economic conditions. shape ajug on the potter’s wheel or weave ablanket. We are not calling for everyone to join aregressive movement, forsaking all digital assistance. But what ifwe are about to lose something that is fundamental to our continued existence? the 20th century who had lived through the Second World […]

Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer