I arkivet kan du søge i tidsskrifter fra 1948 til 2009 samt i det nye Formkraft.

Skriv det du vil søge efter. Eksempelvis: et navn, keramik, udstilling, holdbarhed, universelt design mv.
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God fornøjelse.


1995 Nr. #
and selling an infinite supply of products Som formgivere har vi mulighed for at for- which can be anything: food, clothing, art, religion, news, and politics, and thus we see nemme det man mangler, mens det for de the emergence of the political consumer as a fleste er uerkendte savn.
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2013 Nr. #
Craft can commu- Professor of Visual Culture and Head nicate commentaries about culture, politics, economics; the stuff that keeps us up at night and the things that society of the Faculty of Visual Culture at the really should set about trying to change.
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