I arkivet kan du søge i tidsskrifter fra 1948 til 2009 samt i det nye Formkraft.

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God fornøjelse.


1995 Nr. #
With the te en nødvendig typisering, en normsættel- subsequent war economy, where competition se, med hvad dette indebar af direktiver til den enkelte formgiver, versus dem, som med rødder i kunstnerisk formgivning insisterede på den kunstneriske frihed.
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2009 Nr. #
The new rationale was the following: if companies were willing to voluntarily embrace universal values, if they chose to act in a principled way wherever they did business – then the social legiti- macy of open markets and the global economy could be strengthened.
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer


2007 Nr. #
the Danish name essential parameter for modern come an identity project, a place has been registered by a bathroom economy. In the imma- plastic is for many people just as challenge the common use of the terial society we are dealing with a objects and the idea of patina, new material economy.
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer
medfinansiering i forbindelse med ative industries economy. CO Danish Crafts is now offering craft designers and artists training to prepare and strengthen business-wise: Sales, marketing, planning and management with regards to production, employees and economy. medfinansiering i forbindelse med ative industries economy.
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Dansk Kunsthaandværk

1954 Nr. #10-11
In the manufacture of steel utensils economy plays an important role; a Tias Eckhof's flat silver (page 160), which won a prize competitive price is of less importance in the case of in the Georg Jensen Jubilee competition, does not, like silver, which will always be more or less of a luxury.
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2019 Nr. #
The frequency of terms such as 'sharing Alene hyppigheden af ord som deleøkonomi, co-creation, economy', & The frequency of terms such as 'sharing Alene hyppigheden af ord som deleøkonomi, co-creation, economy', &
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer


1999 Nr. #
På mange wedged between its much more powerful relatives design (which has the economy that måder er dagens kunsthåndværk klemt mellem crafts lacks) and fine art (which has the status de meget mere magtfulde slægtninge: design that crafts lacks).
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2002 Nr. #
Ved på den måde at indskrive bevægelsen som en foreløber for ned-economy thinking, and the industrial forms of production den moderne designhistorie bliver kunsthåndværket reduceret til en nostalgisk praksisform hvis fortsatte eksistens opfattes were undergoing rapid development.
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At the ceramics Gallery Nørby, et ærinde, aldrig før med så mange udstillingen SOFASTYKKER i Silkeborg – the economy was simply not viable, despite udstillere. At the ceramics Gallery Nørby, et ærinde, aldrig før med så mange udstillingen SOFASTYKKER i Silkeborg – the economy was simply not viable, despite udstillere.
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer