[…] of an Art Project Integrating Physical and Digital (Jeff Koons) https://www.pacegallery.com/journal/jeff-koons-moon-phases/ Platform Where Artists Tailor Their Own NFT Contracts https://manifold.xyz/ Traditional Museums with NFT Collections https://www.lacma.org/lab/nfts-and-museum https://www.moma.org/calendar/ exhibitions/5535 https://www.artforum.com/news/moma-to-auction-70m-in-art-to-expand-museums-digital-footprint-252092/ https://www.centrepompidou.fr/en/magazine/article/the-centre-pompidou-in-the-age-of-nfts Marketplaces with Digital Art Based on the Ethereum Blockchain Digital Art (all) https://superrare.com/ https://foundation.app/ https://www.niftygateway.com/ https://makersplace.com/ https://knownorigin.io/ Generative Art (GenArt) https://www.artblocks.io/ https://verse.works/ https://feralfile.com/exhibitions/source AI […]

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[…] as organizers. Together, they established Galerie Metal in Copenhagen in 1978, which soon gained popularity as an observant and intimate showcase for one-off jewellery with two annual exhibitions featuring names from both Denmark and abroad. From the early 1980s, new Danish jewellery art intensified its international profiling in exhibitions, and in this new departure […]

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[…] when Marie-Louise Kristensen settled into her new south German workplace. The then 50-year-old jewellery artist was used to having her own workshop and a longstanding career with exhibitions at home and abroad. And suddenly, she found herself at a small table with seven students surrounding her. "At first, it did feel like a challenge," […]

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[…] and dazzling stories and debates about jewellery and jewellery art will shine throughout Copenhagen. On September 28th, the three-day festival, "City of Jewels", will begin, where members of the Copenhagen Goldsmiths' Guild will host no fewer than 33 different events in the form of open workshops, debates, exhibitions, and guided walking tours with jewellery-relevant themes.

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[…] important aspect of the communication plan for the research project is that it is not limited to journal articles, book chapters and conference presentations but also includes exhibitions, interventions in the urban space and other dialogue initiatives. Through these other channels, it will be possible to ‘show’ a concept such as ‘material interpellation’ (which […]

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An art appreciation project The trend might be summarized as ‘taking art into the world’, and the rapid production and turnover rate of exhibitions inside museums and art centres makes the more permanent art routes, where the art grows into the landscape or the urban scene, seem even more appealing. ‘This is art for […]

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[…] Academy of Fine Arts in 2007 with an MA in Textile Design. She teaches and develops new textiles with both analogue and digital looms, but above all she creates unique woven works with sculptural qualities. She has realised decorations in public spaces and participated in art exhibitions in Denmark, Sweden, USA, Italy, Slovakia and France.

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Henrik Vibskov: Pursuing Multicultural Teams Henrik Vibskov's professional biography exudes international presence with exhibitions and engagements worldwide, including at MoMa in New York, Palais de Tokyo in Paris, and various national theaters around the world. He assembles both Danish and international talents in his team - albeit with a clear majority of international employees. […]

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