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God fornøjelse.

exceptional hopes were pinned to design by Duplex bar in Valencia in 1980 both manufacturers and consumers as the extra and only crucial marks the decade's new quality, whether in market competition or in interior decoration taste. The starting-point is good old Danish earthenware pots, thrown shapes, with slip decorations.
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Dansk Kunsthaandværk

1952 Nr. #7
These experiments tended in the same direc- carefully worked-out designs for shapes and decorations tion as the movement abroad. It heralded a new approach which is continued in the former of these fields by Halier, Axel was to give the material priority over the decoration.
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer

Dansk Kunsthaandværk

1948 Nr. #5
Viggo Sten Decoration lights O. With conspicuous cleverness he cultivated the plastic ornamen- tation and also used the unglazed earthenware for pots with rifled or modelled decoration. sought to unite simpleness and decoration, and the re- Already in 1918 Just Andersen began to work with tin.
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer
The amount of light in a room can be regulated Either as a decoration – like using paper, lattices, shutters, a picture, Or in places that are not and various kinds of transparent supposed to have a view materials. white glaze and painted at Sophienholm they could Why write a review of this decoration.
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer


1999 Nr. #
Denne hall was transformed into a total installation of ophængning gav ingen anledning til publi- colors, light, furniture, textiles, wall decorations, lamps, etc. Denne afvisning kan også tolkes with art that is elevated above the private som en frygt for det som er anderledes i sphere, everyday life, utility, or decoration.
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer