[…] Beck, U. (1994). The reinvention of politics: towards a theory of reflexive modernization. I U. Beck, A. Giddens & S. Lash (red.), Reflexive Modernization. Politics, Tradition and Aesthetics in the Modern Social Order (s. 1-56). Cambridge: Polity Press. Bundsgaard, J. (2018). Det 21. århundredes kompe¬tencer. I J. Bundsgaard, M. Georgsen, S. Graf, T. I. […]
Læs forskningsartikelI arkivet kan du søge i tidsskrifter fra 1948 til 2009, Biennalekataloger fra 1995-2021 samt i det nye Formkraft.
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[…] and learn why you as a designer play a crucial role in shaping the future three-dimensional internet and the development of virtual worlds. We will discuss tangibility, aesthetics, materials, and proud craft traditions. You will learn how you can utilize virtual prototyping and new digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, Augmented […]
- Tema:
- Crafted Realities
- Emner:
- Biennalen ●
- Digital
- Kunsthåndværk
[…] & Sørensen, T.L.H. (under udgivelse). Negotiating borders in a participatory artistic embroidery project: Learnings from Stitches beyond Borders at Trapholt Museum for Art and Design. Journal of Aesthetics and Culture. Gauntlett, D., & Twigger Holroyd, A. (2014). On making, sustainability and the importance of small steps: A conversation. Conjunctions: Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation, […]
- Tema:
- Tekstil
- Emner:
- Formidling ●
- Forskning ●
- Håndværk ●
- Tekstil
- Udstilling
[…] Material mutation Pernille Stockmarr 10. Body and Gender. The Facades of Fashion 112 The high and low of fashion Nikolina Olsen-Rule 04. Conceptual Crafts &Statement Design 102 Aesthetics, critique and social commitment Louise Mazanti 114 Presentation of the curators 114 Presentation of the Biennale Comittee 05. Communication Design &Branding 104 Symbols for Sale Judy […]
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer[…] venligt ud efter det … foreta- ger etæstetisk, ikke etmoralsk, valg.” The great ideological programs collapsed — equality won, the bourgeois ideal! Now it is time for aesthetics and good taste. With alittle help from the Russian-American Brodsky again: “… aesthetics isthe mother of ethics. The cate- gories of ‘good’ and ‘bad1 are, first […]
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer[…] this tendency can be expressed, though, isHelena Ziegler’s extension table Woven, where wooden slats are ‘woven’ together and allow the table tobe slid inorout. Function- ality and aesthetics are combined insomething higher here, unlike the majority ofprojects where the form islost inthe reality ofthe combination options. ;••^7* THE CHALLENGE OF TECHNOLOGY There are quite […]
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer[…] fil- led aspecific part in the division of labor in early industrial production, and the modern industrial designer is modest from the standpoint of creative activity (meaning aesthetics, style, logic of usability, ergono- mics), it is however staggering when one includes the economic, technological, and social contexts. Even if the designers’ work generally continues […]
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer[…] we had most difficulty presenting was the seventies. The problem was how not make the 1970s seem too ugly for the present. We didn’t want toridicule the aesthetics ofthe decade, fearing that the public would laugh atthe flares, wedgies, slim-fit shirts and figure- hugging coats. We had allourselves been part ofthe era, had looked […]
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer[…] en magtfuld dommer, når det skal vurderes, om en ting er ‘grim’ 69 Socially, these positions can signal respectively that we have understood the codes for the aesthetics of the established society and wish to be accepted in the club ofdecent people; that we have understood the anti-codes and have dropped out of established […]
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer[…] we can -perhaps discreetly and alittle atatime -change not the world itself, but our experience ofit,pictures ofit.This only requires that we do not think ofform as the aesthetics ofthe surface, but as experience and sensing, as the world-pictures ofthe possible. Janne Wendt. “Dot “.Puder ibom- uld. Diameter 30. 50 og 80 cm. Janne Wendt. […]
Læs tidskriftsnummer Læs tidskriftsnummer