[…] across professional affiliations, materials and large formats. Part of the mapping also shows that contemporary craft and design is largely disseminated through artist-run initiatives, galleries and pop-up exhibitions at practitioners' own workshops, temporary locations or as recurring project formats. Craft artists and designers are generally good at creating their own scenes, but this also […]

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At exhibition


Along with journals and magazines, recurring exhibitions form the backbone of what we might call the ‘Design Institution’ – the setting where crafts and design are presented, debated and assessed. Museums and educational institutions may be the traditional cornerstones of the Design Institution, but many other, more or less regular events and exhibitions are […]

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Exhibitions of Danish design are wildly popular, but that is not a new phenomenon. Since the Great Exhibition in 1851 at Crystal Palace in London, companies, craft makers and designers have used exhibitions and trade fairs to market their products and designs. These exhibitions often enjoyed intense media attention and coverage. During the […]

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[…] behind, as we stand on the threshold of whatever awaits us post-Covid-19. My love of Danish crafts and design is much too deep for me to use this article to pay ritual tribute to the achievements of mind and hand and to applaud the beautiful Biennale exhibitions for their high attendance numbers and significant pieces.

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[…] reference works for the period 1986-2019. Several textile artists exhibit together - for example, Danish Tapestry Art has celebrated its 25th anniversary as an artist organisation with exhibitions in Denmark and abroad. Many site-specific textile artworks hang in public buildings and large companies, but their registration is missing or lost. The textile church decorations […]

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