I arkivet kan du søge i tidsskrifter fra 1948 til 2009 samt i det nye Formkraft.

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The form is thus of importance to the choice of objects, the communication with the public and the themes or issues on which the exhibition can shed light. THE HISTORICAL EXHIBITION: This exhibition type is meant to shed light on underlying, non-visible structures. TURNING THE SPOTLIGHT ON CERAMICS Hun remser bekendtgørelser.
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Gradually the bluish-black ground was etched away in lighter lines. The layers are not experienced as different planes, but the interplay between light and darkness creates the same effect. They awaken associations to the dusty, golden light that is captured by light curtains in a gentle summer breeze.
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was taken from water and some Inspirationen til smykkerne er opstået af vand og nogle af of its qualities, the way in which dets egenskaber, den måde lys light is refracted through water brydes gennem vand og hvor- and how objects are distorted dan objekter forvrænges, når when they are seen through it.
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In this light, models are we can compare ourselves, there is no self at copied, things that deserve it. the same as something that once existed, but The ability to make a piece in the same way now in a slightly modified form. Light and shadow could either be the only way in which space was created.
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But rather than the sensitive interpretations and expositions of the nature of the materials of earlier times, the strong fascination of today is perhaps more associated with the absence of fixed identi- ties that is emerging in the light of the technological development processes and their smart material design.
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Dansk Kunsthaandværk

1951 Nr. #7
the intermediate state caused by daily wear, by which A lamp for instance should provide a good light, the balance of lustre and shape is achieved. Conditions That is a part of the working process which often and requirements are treated in an elegant and light explains the form of the finished piece.
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