When designers and architects shape our society, universal design is the key concept that expands the ‘one size fits all’ elastic to match the full diversity of users’ sizes, needs and functioning. Universal design is the principle of accommodating everyone. But how can universal design be incorporated into art projects?
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Dark design is not just about homeless people losing places to bed down for the night; it is equally about a loss of breathing spaces in the city. Jensen of Aalborg University heads the four-year research project ‘Dark Design: Social exclusion in urban places’. In this sense, the growing use of dark design raises concerns.
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As I am speaking with Anker Bak about his exhibition at Officinet, it is clear to me that I am sitting across from a furniture designer with a mission. But how can design make a difference? It was important for me to make a down-to-earth presentation that doesn’t look like something out of a home interior design magazine.
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State-funded TV channel continues the same poor conditions that designers so often face. Furniture designer Chris L. Because it is a concrete picture of how designers' working conditions are not taken seriously. And that leads me to what many designers accept to a far too great extent: unpaid work.
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